
Today we are thrilled to bring you the premiere of the new album by Trenton, New Jersey-based punks Pissed! The album is called The Lies That Bind and will be out everywhere on April 20. We caught up with the band to hear their thoughts about each of the seven tracks. Listen to the album and read the track-by-track breakdown below!

Lies That Bind Track By Track Breakdown

1. "Mass Consumption"

Churches, the state, even those you trust use social media, fear, and your own insecurities to control you. Mass Consumption is a rallying cry for people to wake up to realize everything they read and see is to keep us in our place.

2. "Never Forgiven"

Over and over again the people of the world are screwed over by the powers above! And time and time again they seem to get away with it without any repercussions. We’re sick of seeing the guilty walk away scot-free. It is time for them to face their crimes and pay the price.

3. "Stop Resisting"

The frustrations of incompetent cops, who only seem to make things worse for us. The fact that it takes more training to use a forklift than to become a cop… and when they fail at their jobs we are to blame. We’re just asking them to take responsibility for their mistakes, make the right corrections, and remember who they work for.

4. "He Said, She Said"

People who go out of their way to create problems where none exist. Not about people who are actually harming others but, just inserting themselves into others business in a way to put down or judge people. We don’t need drama when real problems exist.

5. "Writing On The Wall"

Reaching out for help with mental illness and not getting any until it’s too late. How people will project their feelings and emotions on you without any understanding of the pain you are going through. Then when they wait it’s too late they ask why or how and what they could have done to prevent it.

6. "Bohemian Grove"

The world is full of conspiracy theories. More now than ever we don’t want to believe. With an inundation of false information spewed at people every day, what can we believe? What is the truth? How far will these “theories” go? What drives people to believe in… or want to believe in them?

7. "A Minor"

A problem that has plagued music forever. A call to do better.